There has been a lot of activity at my website this month, so I thought I would provide an update on what you can find there.
- The Directory of Free E-Learning Tools now contains 590 tools in 35 categories and is growing ...
- Version 1 of the Guide to Choosing and Using Free E-Learning Tools is now complete. This is an introductory resource for anyone considering the use of e-learning tools. Version 1 provides the bare bones structure of the materials in this Guide. Updates will be made constantly to the pages to expand them significantly with more detail, more links, more examples and activities to use the free tools to create a Version 2. A free PDF copy as at 4 February 2007 is also available to download for anyone wants their own personal copy.
- Examples of E-Learning Content now contains 157 examples of all kinds of learning solutions in 9 different categories.
- Keep up to date with E-Learning contains a number of pages of resources to help you keep abreast of what's happening in the e-learning world - from lists of recommended blogs and podcasts to read, conferences to attend and free e-learning books to download as well as e-learning magazines to read online.
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