Confusing Words is a collection of 3210 words that are troublesome to readers and writers. Words are grouped according to the way they are most often confused or misused.
Some of these words are homonyms (words that sound alike but are spelled differently like "principle" and "principal") and some are just commonly confused (like "aetheist" and "agnostic").
There are a number of ways to use Confusing Words to find the word you are looking for
if yahoo glue is okay to use , Then i predict that people will no longer use then it will be a good start for yahoo.
Posted by: Azhelle | 04 January 2009 at 09:53 AM
Confusing Words is a wonderful resource (if only to prove my correctness to others).
Posted by: alexa harrington | 06 January 2009 at 09:52 AM