Here are some resource that I bookmarked this week but which didn't make it to a Pick of the Day - together with some other related resources
Wkify - Wikify is a web-service allowing everybody to enrich their arbitrary text with links to Wikipedia. In other words, it make hypertext from your plain text.
[More: (Re-)search tools]
The 10 commandments of social media - "What do I need to do to engage my company, my products, and myself in social media?" By Lon Safko, FastCompany, 10 June 2009
A brief history of social media - "Social media isn’t really “new.” While it has only recently become part of mainstream culture and the business world, people have been using digital media for networking, socializing and information gathering - almost exactly like now - for over 30 years." By Brett Borders, Social Media Rockstar, 2 June 2009
[More: Social media and Social learning reading]
FeedMingle - mingles all your feeds into one to produce a combined RSS, Atom, JSON and a widget.
[More: RSS feed tools]And finally, have you got your Facebook vanity URL yet. I had to go with as I couldn't use c4lpt as numbers weren't allowed. It seems that many people didn't choose their own name. Stan Shroeder at Mashable lists the 25 silliest Facebook vanity URLS
[More: Facebook reading | Facebook apps for T&L]
NOTE: I've used the FeedMingle service mentioned above to create a new combined feed of my Bookmarks feed and Pick of the Day feed. You can get it here.
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