As August draws to an end - and summer is nearly over - here is a roundup of what's been happening at the main Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies (C4LPT) site this month.
2010 Reading List
I added over 30 articles and resources to my 2010 Reading list in August. One of the themes of the month has been highlighting the value of public social media tools like Facebook and Twitter for the workplace (both for working and learning), and actively encouraging their use rather than banning them, e.g.
- 5 social networking tools for enterprise collaboration, 24World, 26 August 2010
- 3 ways CEOs can connect with employees, Ragan, 19 August 2010
- Why more of your employees should be on Twitter, Search
Engine Journal. 17 August 2010
- What Twitter has done for me, Jamie Forrest, 7 August 2010
I've written a posting about this topic myself, Encouraging the use of public social media - as well as a couple of articles for elearning Age magazine and for TrainingZone's Social Learning Month in September. As I write in my elearning Age article:
"As more and more organisations recognise the value of the use of public social media sites for their business - and not just for marketing but for working and learning too - and actively encourage their people to use them, there will be a new role for Learning & Development departments to help individuals and teams, who are unfamiliar with social media, understand how to use these new tools effectively and responsibly ... Social media is not something you just read about, but something you do."
This is one of the reasons why I have been promoting my How to use Social Media in Your Job 30-day online programme, which starts tomorrow and already has over 100 people signed up for it. At the end of September I'll report on how it went.
Top 100 Tools for Learning 2010
At the time of writing, there have been 391 contributors to the Top 100 Tools for Learning list. As I'd really like to reach 500 contributions by the time I close the list in the middle of October, please do share your Top 10 list if you haven't already done so.
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