- 200+ websites to find out about anything and everythinng http://t.co/e3xHdcB #
- My next webinar is Social Media & Its Impact on How We Learn in the Workplace Tues 23 Aug, 10 AM PST/1 PM EST/ 6 PM BST http://t.co/NNAPRYr #
- Google Alerts brings me all kinds of interesting stuff, this one on Social Learning … in the Aquarium! http://t.co/nROhfbf #
- Exploring community thinking in the workplace, from @alc47 http://t.co/y93fQkg #
- RT @alc47: It’s not who’s lurking – it’s what’s the motivation http://t.co/yx98shH <?=do most pple really want to do their jobs better? #
- Edublogs Celebrates 1,000,000 Blogs! http://t.co/7CXdnht <Congrats #
- 3 Tips for Teachers Using Social Media in the Classroom http://t.co/fqfVZl2 via @mashable <Yes, ask your students what they want 2 use. #
- RT @LnDDave: What if HR was solely focused on human resources? http://t.co/zAEORl0 <Let employees tap their true potential, yes! #
- Evernote acquires image-sharing app Skitch | VentureBeat http://t.co/eqJ5hUh #
- Official Google Blog: Rain or shine, see the weather in Google Maps http://t.co/LI6XjSq #
- elearn Magazine: Backchannel Learning in an Organizational Setting: http://t.co/3a7cCWD by@LndDDave #
- Beware the“M” word in communities http://t.co/l0pNofv Is management an old paradigm in modern learning? <<Yes! #
- RT @TweetSmarter: #DidYouKnow #Twitter suggests using no more than 3 #Hashtags per Tweet: http://t.co/ZFBEMyh r/t #
- What is an Infographic? http://t.co/sIKiTzh via @columnfive #
- British Airways Tests iPads To Improve In-Flight Customer Service http://t.co/e3Mj4yA via @mashable #
- Content vs. Community: How Online Publishers Can Nurture Both http://t.co/P9GjgTO via @mashable #
- What Did You Do in the Social Networking Revolution, Daddy? http://t.co/ueHrQd2 #
- RT @jonmillymiles: @C4LPT As requested Blog Post: A group of would be friends http://t.co/l5PxT5o <Thx for sharing your story #
- Nearly 200 websites to learn a language online : content and community http://t.co/30rVm59 #
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